‘The Source of Power’ is a project that has been devised as a sequel to Kaspars Groševs’ exhibition ‘Autonomia’, which opened at NOASS last August and which focused on flags and their deconstructions as a medium for expanding artistic language. More often in his artistic endeavours Kaspars Groševs fulfils the duties of both artist and curator, which is why ‘The Source of Power’ is envisaged as a curatorial sequel to the idea of a flag as a meaningful gesture.
Through the efforts of different generations joining forces to experiment with the flag format and its scope for visual expression, different variations of this means of expression have taken to the air.
In addition, this project also strives to find what various creative communities and cells are up to, whose creative output is sometimes only on view to a select and private group of people.
Day and night from July through to December, for 2-3 weeks at a time, a flag designed by one of the artists will flutter against the backdrop of the façade of the Arts centre NOASS until it is replaced by a flag designed by the next artist.
Participants in the project: Līva Rutmane, Anna Malicka, Kristiāna Marija Sproģe, Jānis Krauklis, Maija Kurševa, Līga Spunde, Margrieta Griestiņa and Ieva Putniņa.
UNTIL JULY 28, 2021
Beguiled by screens in a lively atmosphere, Clubhouse guests are entertained and having fun. The music is loud, the conversation is vibrant, and the guests are sensually whirling around the dancefloor. Legs rising and descending to the rhythm of the music generate rhythmic breaks in communication, guaranteeing laughter in the room.
The general public first heard about gremlins in the 1920s, when these mythical creatures were blamed for technical malfunctions in the aviation industry. In time, these creatures also became a symbol for domestic and everyday technological glitches.
Who among us has not encountered various network outages, files inexplicably lost, or exasperatingly slow Internet?
There are grounds to believe that the ‘Clubhouse’ celebration has been a success.
This project is supported by: