Non-formal education project supported by the EU Creative Europe Programme (2021-2027)

Project objectives: To offer the new generation of creatives versatile training to start or improve their careers, expanding the employability of young artists, introducing skills to navigate the realities of the art world, to solve problems.

Target audience: Representatives of different sectors, cultural workers, students, artists aged 18-30.

Project implementation and progress: The Building Talent project is implemented in three major phases:

1) Needs assessment. 1. In this phase, a study was carried out on the needs, strengths, weaknesses, employment opportunities and models of young creative workers. Based on the information gathered from the research, a course plan was developed to address the current needs. Read more here.

2) Training delivery. This phase will consist of five training modules/workshops: Introduction to Entrepreneurship; Cash Flow and Financial Management; Developing Digital Skills; Marketing and Presentation; Pathway to Income Generation from Creative Activity in the Project.

3) Mentoring sessions. The most active participants will also have the opportunity to be mentored by a Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) professional and expand their employment opportunities.

Project description: Culture today is in constant dialogue about its structure and forms. It is well known that culture is and always has been the cornerstone of society. Today, while the cultural and creative industries (CCIs) have proved their contribution to society and the economy, they are among the hardest hit by the global economic crisis and pandemic. The Covid-19 pandemic increased unemployment while reducing tourism inflows. Restrictive measures forced the closure of all cultural institutions, creating an uncertain and precarious situation for artists and KRI workers. At the same time, the pandemic affected the employment prospects of young people. Before the pandemic, EU youth unemployment (15-24 year olds) stood at 14.9%, while in August 2020 it was 17.6% and rising. The sense of insecurity among this age group is evident and is one of the EU’s top priorities for support.
The Building Talent project aims to respond to the above challenges by setting up a scheme that supports young artists (aged 18-30) to increase long-term employability by building links with the KRI through education systems. Among the direct target group, the participation of young artists coming from marginalised groups or facing social and economic difficulties will be encouraged and supported. The project will support participants with a series of training videos with industry experts, museum professionals, artists and gallery staff. At the same time, experts will have the opportunity to be fully informed about inequalities in the contemporary art world and ways to diversify their workforce.

In the framework of the Building Talent project, in November 2023 Art centre NOASS organized training for artists and emerging CCS professionals willing to develop their artistic and creative carreers.

Held at our on-site and online, the sessions covered crucial aspects like financial management, digital tools, strategic promotion, professional networking, and effective job collaboration management within the artistic sector.

List of applicants to participation at the Training sessions 23/11-27/11/2023

Anete Liepiņa

Baiba Vaivade

Elīna Dovgaļuka

Ieva Saliņa

Ilze Rijniece

Jēkabs Staris

Karīna Šumkova

Katrīna Gržibovska

Katrīna Milta

Keitija Eizenbārde

Lidija Zaneripa

Sindija Zvirbule

Tīna Elizabete Liepiņa

Vents Feldmanis

The training sessions were resulting in recorded online video series where professionals of Latvian CCS scene shared their real-life experience, each video covered the topics of Building Talent project.

The next step? Arranging tailored mentoring sessions to guide our artistic community towards employment opportunities within the local area.

We’re enthusiastic about the impact this initiative will have on their careers. 

Topics covered in video training

Artist and self-employment: illustrator Oskars Pavlovskis and game designer Mārtiņš Upītis about employment models for young artists

Informative material: Artist and self-employment

Financial issues: basic ideas of financial literacy by Kaspars Avots, Director of NOASS and Matīss Kodoliņš, CEO of Abillio

Informative material: Financial issues

Marketing: advertising manager Marta Elste and artist Kaspars Brambergs about the digital skills needed for advertising creative activities

Informative material: Marketing

Advertising and brand management: manager Līva Liepa and artist/PR & Communication specialist Elviss Zants about the skills of presenting and promoting your artistic work online and in person

Informative material: Advertising and brand management

Income from artistic activity: photographer Ģirts Raģelis and fashion designer Rolands Pēterkops about monetisation of artistic activity

Informative material: Income from artistic activity